Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Good Read

I finished a really great book a few days ago called The Five People You Meet in Heaven. It's written by Mitch Albom, also the author of Tuesdays with Morrie (another fantastic read, by the way). :)

I cannot say or write enough good things about this book. It's a must read. I read it in one day. Here are a few memorable quotes...

"Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is. But what happens on Earth is only the beginning."


"Lost love is still love, Eddie. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it."


"Life has to end," she said. "Love doesn't."


On another note, I had a pretty good day today. I had to take Breena to work with me so she could get her Rabies vaccine and she had a small growth removed from her face. She was soo sweet today. Here is a photo of her from last night.

Omigosh. So cute.

I missed a phone call from Duke while I was in an exam room though and it made me so sad. I held my phone for the rest of the day hoping he could call back. I hate that feeling, but it is bound to happen sometimes.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Phone Call :)

Woo-hoo! I got a phone call from Duke last night. Yayyy. We talked on the phone for 5 minutes and 22 seconds and then he had to go. Hearing his voice was so nice. I sent him a care package yesterday, and it's a bummer that it will likely take a month or so the get there because I want him to have it TODAY! Haha.

I think he would be super proud of me. I feel like I'm doing pretty good (with the deployment) so far.

It seems like I have been spending wayyy too much time on the computer lately. But, I am trying to save money and if I go out, I know I will want to buy something. Ha. So here I am. Yesterday, I went to VS to pay my bill and was standing in line behind another girl. She and the cashier were chatting it up about having military pride and whatnot and I wasn't really paying attention. (I usually keep conversations like this to myself unless someone personally asks about Duke or my opinion). Anyway, the girl in front of me grabbed her purchases and said goodbye, and as I approached the counter, the sales associate said, "she just got back from Afghanistan, can you believe that?" And then I said, "well---actually, my husband is there right now." She couldn't believe it. I think her exact words were, "wow, two people that have some kind of experience like that were just here together." I don't know why she was so surprised. Military, Veterans, and military families are everywhere. It's not something that everyone talks about all the time because for some people, it's just everyday life. But I feel like it is important to be thankful and appreciative. I am so, so glad to live here in America. And I am very thankful for what all of our troops do.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cali Trip

My memory seems to really be failing me lately, so I wanted to sort of keep a record of what me and the husband did on my trip to Cali to see him off. We took these photos before the camera died. So here it goes....

Hello, San Diego! :)

Duke! I miss that guy.

I thought this was cool...

The last time I went to Cali, we had zero photos of us together. So this time I snapped this one in the truck first thing! :) Kind of scary...I

We ate here the first night. It's just a T.G.I. Friday's, but I thought it looked cool.

Duke found seaweed on the beach.

...and decided to wear it. Haha. He's so silly.

Opposites attract. Haha.

San Diego Padres game!!!! We loove baseball.

I love Yoo-Hoo. He loves Coke. Always.


Wild buffalo!

We rode a train!!!

Horse racing in Del Mar. Awesome.

Jelly Cable...the horse that I wanted to bet on. Yup, he came in last place. Haha. But, he was the prettiest.

South Coast Winery!

My man.

Other cool things we did together:
We ate the best grilled cheese sandwich ever.
Paid a guy to pull us around in a cart with a bicycle. Haha. Priceless.
Duke watched me eat a lot of cotton candy. I mean a lot. Ha.
Duke took me to the biggest tack store ever and bought me a new pair of boots!
We went on a trail ride at the barn on base. Soo fun.
We saw a couple of movies!
We visited the animal shelter on base and saw the cuties. He wanted one.
We saw a full rainbow.
We rode a Harley. Around a mountain. I was scared.
We had fun.

I love Cali. And I miss Duke.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

New camera, hubby gone.

This blog is going to turn into my latest project. My husband (as you know) is in the United States Marine Corps and is deployed. I took a trip to California to see him off and my camera sadly died. He was sweet enough to buy me a Nikon D5100 as kind of an early Christmas present. So I am going to make good use of it by posting photographs for him to see while he is gone.

This was one of the first photos I took with my new camera. I had a layover flight in Atlanta and it was so dreary there. I was already pretty sad about saying goodbye to my husband, and then a flight attendant was being sassy at me for not putting my suitcase in the overhead bin the correct way --- very rude, too. I was about to cry and started to pray. And when the plane took off I saw this. I'll take it as a sign. Thank you, God, for letting me know that everything is going to be okay.


My sweet little dog.

Took this of my horse, Cory, at a horse show recently.

A color sketch photo, a cool effect on my camera.


Another color sketch photo.

A pasture close to where I live in NC.

This one is my favorite.

My mom snapped this photo of me and Cory.


This is a vintage camera box that I found in an antique store. I thought it looked cool and it looks great on my bookshelf. It was also fun to photograph. :)

Thanks for looking. :)