Thursday, February 9, 2012

Deployment Update!

Hey there! :) Beth from Simply B brought it to my attention that I have not been updating my She left me a very sweet comment and it made me realize that it was time to update! :) I admit it. I have been a HUGE SLACKER!!!!!! Haha. But things are GREAT and there is light at the end of the tunnel with this deployment!!!! I have been super busy working and getting everything in order to move to California. It's been a little crazy. I found this today and thought it was sweet and true.

{my source}

 I seriously worry way too much about things. I worry about leaving my job. Because it's secure and safe. I worry about my new life as a married lady because I want to be a good wife. I worry about leaving my family because I've always been with them. I worry about my friends --- especially my best friend --- because I will miss her so much!!!! I'm worried that I didn't accomplish everything that I wanted to accomplish while Duke was gone. I worry about looking cute for my hubby at homecoming. All of this is SO SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!! I know. But it's me. And I'm a bit of a worrier. And a bit neurotic at times. And Duke balances me out. And I need that more than ever. So, YES, I am SO ready for Duke to come home. :)

And here's a reminder about playing it safe in life. :)
Thanks for reading. :)

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